Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Resistance 3

Another awesome release from Insomniac Games, Resistance 3 excels its predcessors in a far more excellent way. The gameplay which was monotonous in the previous parts were made a little unpredictable and new in some parts of this game. 

The story picks off 4 years after , when Joseph Capelli ( Joe ) finishes off Nathan Hale (the former Hero of the first 2 prequels ) with a bullet to his head . Joe after being discharged (dishonourable ) from SRPA setlles down with a beautiful girl Susan Farley and is blessed with a beautiful boy.

Just when Joe thinks peace has settled down , the Chimera pops up against the only nation which is resisting them , USA . In order to provide a peaceful future for his Son , Joe joins up with Malikov in order to destroy the tower in New York . Thus starts his journey through Grim filled towns and Pirates trying to hack him 
up . 
Graphics wise this game was a little let down. I mean after seeing Unchartered 3 and Killzone 3 this game was a little cheap. HELL ! even Killzone 2 had better graphics than this game. But other than that let it be innovative weapons or stimulating Visuals or engrossing storyline this game keeps you hooked up till last. Dont miss it ...

Rating : 8/10
