Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Say hello to yet another Next gen title that  has hit the streets this month . Contrast is an indie game released by Compulsion Games production which borrows heavily from the concept of Limbo  But still manages to stand apart at certain places . So without further adieu lets plunge in

Story :: 

Dawn and Didi 

The story revolves around a little girl and her broken family . Players take up the role of little girl's imaginary character Dawn . Dawn , according to Didi has unique talent of blending into Shadow world and the real world . Now its the Objective of Didi to make her family whole again with help from her imaginary Friend .

The entire game spans only about for 3 Acts with not more than 2 hrs of your time . But still manages to punch a huge impact.

Gameplay :: 

The Entire setting of the game revolves around the neighborhood of Didi's home  which has a L.A. Noire kind of feel to it . Only Didi is made visible to us while we get to see the other characters only via Shadow. It actually kind of makes sense that we can see Didi alone as she was the one who created us :).

But where does the game shine ? , you ask . Well lets say in the unique way that the player character can jump in and out of the shadow world  . Dawn makes use of the shadows that plays on the wall to make her way across vast chasms or to reach places where the normal character was unable to do so . Although initially the puzzles are simple and cool , Its starts getting scarier only when objects make an appearance .

Dawn can use her ability to move objects into shadow world too . Like a piece of Box or a Cannon Ball . This where it gets tricky . In order to move the crates in the shadow world you must make sure that there are no obstructions in between . Because keep in mind , Dawn cannot jump when she is carrying an object . Neither does the object stay in shadows always . When the shadow ends or moves off , the object is going to pop out of the shadow world for sure .

There were some Genuine and interesting puzzles that had me scratching my brain for more than 15 min . But tats the limit , Any decent gamer can easily figure out the solution once he knows whats the main objective is . With that said, that doesn't  mean its going to easy and accomplished with one shot . It may take some time and of course the Trial and Error method do comes into play . Since the acts are so closely connected the Save Checkpoints are kind of rare making you to play the same thing again and again a chore .

There were some puzzles that are worth mentioning . Like the Solar system puzzle where you have to get a ball to a balcony or the one where you have to move the box around in the light house by figuring out to zoom a light in and out . My god , although the solution to the puzzles are not that hard to arrive at , figuring out a way as what we re supposed to make use of in the environment is where the game challenges you to core .

I have to mention the theater platforming for sure. Because this is where you will actually feel that the game is like LIMBO . Hell there is even a spider that comes to attack us like in Limbo . But yet again , the story telling is so narrative that it compels you to play through it again and again without any comments or Grudges .

Graphics was decent and not over the top as you would expect a game with not more that 2 GB space . But still the game looked good and the Environment rich with its own feel.

Pro's :: 

1. Interesting Story line . Even though it doesn't keep you hooked it sure does a good Job of pushing you forward .
2. Innovative way of Gameplay by making use of shadows to traverse the world . Hats off to the concept designer behind it .
3. Eerie and somber music that propels you forward .
4. Decent enough save points .

Con's ::

1. Game was too small .
2. Puzzles could have been a little more harder.

Overall :: If you loved LIMBO , the you will definitely love this . 

Rating  : 8.5 / 10  ( Good )


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