Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Medal Of Honor Warfighter :

Danger close games brings us an awesome sequel to the Franchise reboot of MOH 2010 . The team has used Frostbite 2.0 engine of BF3 fame and have managed to capture the richness and quality which was depicted in the previous game .The visuls which pop up between look exactly similar in quality to the one in BF3 that its like playing a BF4 :D .

Voodoo and Stump's Intro :D
The story picks up after the end of the prequel . With preacher and Mother working as a team which comes in flashback . Voodoo leading a team MAKO along with the new protagonist ''Stump" . Dusty of the previous game operates in the background instead of being in the field and provides us Intel through out the game . Story wise the game is not that much rich . Its the usual terrorist threat , but tis time with the explosives known as P.E.T.N . The team finds out the explosion was caused by a unknown substance and track the same and finally ends up in finding and killing the persons responsible .

Gameplay has not been improved that much , Its the same aim and shoot tactic . Developers have tried a new peek and shoot from cover technique which fails miserably because , most of the times you will realize that you are out of the cover only when you die from enemies bullets .Guns are lethal and deadly with a few of them carrying a deadly precision . The satisfaction of pulling an head shot is huge in this game , bcos each time you pull off one ,  a marker gets displayed in the top with the shot in the middle of the head :D Hell yeah !! moments of the game for sure .

Another thing which has to be appreciated is the breach techniques which MOH was famous for . It returns in this game too, but this time they have added a little flavor to the technique . Each time you breach and take down the guys in slo-mo with a head shot you will be rewarded with new techniques to breach . You have the basic Kick the door and throw grenade in type  or blow off the lock with shot gun type , attach charge to door type , charge tape or charge pack to door . Breaching method wont change but only the way you breach the door is different . It looks quite cool when they give us an option for that . I liked it .

Dynamic Door Breach with option to select.
Another aspect of the game which is cool/new and dramatic are the two missions in which you are asked to drive a car with dashboard view . It somehow gives out the realistic version of action and chase much better than the third person view did . I mean the mechanics and the handling of the car were on par to tat of NFS  :D .Really , I enjoyed chasing down that guy , while swerving against oncoming traffic while driving on roads or through bazaar and market places , mushy grounds where your windshield gets muddied ( Phew thank god we had a viper  :D ) . I mean , it really was cool as hell to look at . And the other mission where you kidnap a guy in your boot of the car and have to escape from his security guards .That was one hell of a rush . You need to make use of hide spots and all at one place in order to escape from a neighborhood. That was really thrilling and awesome to experience . Not exactly what I was expecting from a FPS game , SO have to say that I was surprised :D

Hot Pursuit in Car 
You will get to ride a boat through a swamped country too . Quite cool but again , nothing dramatic in it . You just have to go through the motions .. tats all .

Boat Ride Thru Hell 
Grenades , you have only fragmentation type with you . Not like other games where you will be having a huge arsenal of grenades that you wont know what to choose . You will get an opportunity to use them very rarely  . Another thing which was worth mentioning is the scope change you will be provide with every gun . Each and every gun you are provided with has two scopes wit them . The usual red dot / snipe zoom or something new . It was quite cool to use your gun both as a assault rifle as well as sniper to pull off a head shot at long distance targets. The recoil of the guns are pretty realistic too. So it will take some time for beginners to get used to them . You will get a sniper Mission too in this game , but it would be so simple that you wont the feel the thrill of it at all.

Dusty in Action 

The hud looks quite new and fresh and the way they get refreshed with a blur adds a WOW look to the game . The same way subtitles in the game gets refreshed . Cool!!. Gameplay was quite easy to even play in normal difficulty level . Maybe the veteran level will pose a challenge I hope . But games nowadays are so weak that I doubt that would be the case .

A look at Frostbite 2.0's amazing realistic animations ( Preacher )
One thing which I hated in this game was the enormity of the bugs and glitches which was found in this game . I mean you will be pissed off when the game suddenly stops with a blacks screen , Pssh !! . Later had a look at a forum and found out that it was being addressed by developers and they would soon come out with a patch fix for it . I mean the bug I faced was really game stopping . After you complete a mission and the video runs its course , instead of proceeding to the next mission the game just hangs with a black screen for sometime and crashes to desktop. The workaround which I found to work , after banging my head over it for sometime , was to play the last checkpoint again in Windowed mode. When the game again hangs in the windowed mode , it gets refreshed somehow and gets back to the next mission. I faced this in 3 missions , but other were literally smooth. It was mentioned in a blog that it was caused due to the color differences that occurs between videos and the actual gameplay.

Preacher and Mother

The missions in the game include ,

Mission 1 : Unintended Consequences
Mission 2 : Through the Eyes of Evil
Mission 3 : Shore Leave
Mission 4 : Hot Pursuit
Mission 5 : Changing Tides
Mission 6 : Rip Current
Mission 7 : Hat Trick
Mission 8 : Finding Faraz
Mission 9 : Connect the Dots
Mission 10 : Hello & Dubai
Mission 11 : Old Friends
Mission 12 : Shut it down.

Pro's :

1. Experience once again the beautiful world which has been created by Frostbite 2.0 engine .
2. Realistic sounds and explosions with cool military Jargon.
3. Awesome driving experience in two missions .
4. Effective usage of Guns .
4. Ending Video of the game is quite emotional and inspires patriotic feel to heart .

Cons ::

1. Repetitive Aim and shoot missions.
2. No dramatic gameplay , its just a drag.
3. Story is so boring after sometime that you will start skipping the videos and plunging directly into the game.
4. Numerous bugs and glitches which are found through out the game with a major of them being a game-stopper .

If you are interested in Milatary Games , then I assure you this is going to be a treat for you ..Apart from that nothing special in this game . Just another Shooter .

Rating : 8.0 / 10


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