Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Crysis 3 : Sneak Peak

Crysis 3 is one of the most anticipated games of the upcoming year ...So here is a little update from from Producer Michael Read who gave us a little insight as to what we can expect from the latest edition ...


Ques : What is the priority in Crysis 3, graphics or gameplay?

With Crysis 3, it's definitely a balance of both of these things, but let's not forget about the story elements as well. There are things that need to be revealed and tied up to make the story fit together as a whole. So let's start with the story...

Crysis 3 has a very deep story that progresses in a linear fashion. Our Cinematics Director, who heads up the process of integrating the story into the game, works very closely with both art and design to ensure the experience, is a thoughtful and engaging one. We get countless questions from our hardcore fans on many elements from Crysis 1, Crysis Warhead and Crysis 2. Without giving any key things away here, Crysis 3 is going to help answer a lot of these questions that players have been asking for years. All of this basically means the gameplay and story go hand in hand to give players a great narrative that is advanced by action sequences they can play in their own unique way.

From the graphics side - the art direction has centered on creating this new environment we call an "Urban Rainforest". What we wanted to bring to the fore is something more organic that has a mix of man-made elements combined with living, breathing flora and fauna. Each of the different areas within the urban rainforest has provided us with some new challenges that we are working to overcome to create a setting that is more interactive and alive than what we'd been previously able to achieve in the CryENGINE.

If we simply had the graphics driving everything here, we wouldn't be able to do the things I outlined above. It's nice to have realistic lighting, particle effects that provide that “wow” factor and water that looks like something you would go swimming in. But we also need certain elements to drive those things ahead and help us make a better engine not only for ourselves, but all projects that use our technology platform. Without having solid creativity to drive things at the core, we'd be designing tools and elements that have no functional purpose.

So, in a nutshell, the priority for Crysis 3 is to make a great all-round experience and not hone in on a single specific aspect.


So there u go guys .... Crysis 3 is scheduled for release at February 2013 for PC, XBOX 360 and PS3.


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