Thursday, November 28, 2013

Batman : Arkham Origins

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 2 year  window per game , still Arkham series packs a huge punch . Why ? you ask . Because its Batman :D . I mean come on . Who doesn't love him ? Everyone wants to be him . Well after a 2 year wait here is another chance to role play one of the coolest and Non - super Power HERO ever in the Comic Book World . Arkham Origins is the 3 rd installment in the Arkham series with the first installment Arkham Asylum in 2009 and Arkham City in 2011 .

Story  ::

At this point of the time the story is no big surprise . Everyone would either have finished the game by now or seen so many gameplay and story trailers to guess what the story is about .So let me just give you guys a short intro about it . The entire game takes place on one Night , Christmas Eve to be exact , so expect some snowing ;) . Black Mask the infamous Arms Smuggler  in Gotham City is annoyed with the latest Vigilante who is sweeping the streets of Gotham and making it empty of Crime . So he comes up with a brand new scheme to finish him off by putting a bounty on his head and publishing it to the Crime World's best Assassins in the Market . And its upto Batman to put an end to all this criminals and see to that they end behind Bars .

Black Mask

In the order of Appearance the Assassins are The Killer Croc , Electrocutioner , Deathstroke , Black Mask , Joker , Bane , Copperhead , Firefly , Shiva , Deadshot , Enigma , Mad Hatter , Penguin .  Only the First 7 characters are the ones you actually get to face in the main story Missions . While the remaining characters are available as Side missions . Enigma being the biggest side mission ever.

Keep in mind  that this story is the beginning where it all started . So Batman is a little unpolished and rough around the edges , skirting around the grey corners of Right and Wrong  . Although initially his hard voice was a little off putting , I gradually came to understand what he was feeling . I mean seeing the city crawling  with thugs and Criminals who go about doing crime as its their daily chore , just makes me sick . So I don the Cape of Dark Knight and hunt them like the Rats they are !! That will be your mentality when you complete the story mission .

Since the story is the beginning of the series , it ends with Joker being captured and put to Jail in bound bed and Croc being marched back to into the interior of Arkham Asylum . If you remember correctly , That is how Arkham Asylum beings too ;) Now that was a nice touch .

Intro Clip from Arkham Asylum 

Gameplay ::

1. Combat ::

Gameplay is where Arkham series had always shined at . And Arkham Origins does not fail in that . To say the  truth , Combat had actually been improved a lot in this . Just because you are Batman doesn't give you the power to swoop into a group of thugs and face them head on as you used to do in the earlier versions of the series .Because if you do that , you are probably going to end up dead . This time its not simple Button smashing that is going to push you forward in defeating guys , but the timing you deliver it , is what matters. Counter Ability is still available but had been made more complicated .

Initially when Batman is in his flow with a X, X , X Combo mode , the enemies will wait patiently till he finishes off the combo before trying to hit him . But not in this version , no sir  . Right when you are in the middle of X, X , X  a guy will try to hit you and you have to go to X, Y , Y , X  , Y , X , X , Y , Damn !! that makes the combat so much intense and concentrated that by the time I stopped a big gang Fight between 2 groups , a total of whooping 35 guys , I felt Like " WOW !! I did it . Damn I feel so powerful now ." The Combat is difficult and tough to master but once you do , you will be unstoppable , Not to mention your Utility belt that you can make use of .

2. Boss Fights ::

Against Killer Croc

Especially  the Boss fights . In the earlier series Boss fights were very rare and even if they were present it was all about sneaking behind the guy and taking him down . Never head on . But this time it feels more like a boss fight . Even in the first Chapter you will crash against Croc and god that fight feels intense . Highlight of the Game is the Epic battle against DeathStroke. Damn the guy is good . Almost equal to the Bat . His fight was all about Perfect Counter . Counter Quickly and you are gone , Counter too late and you are gone too . You just have to find the right timing between hitting and countering . Bane's fight is all about evading and providing him a flurry of beatdown moves . Copper head is all about usage of Explosive Gel to take down the correct one . And Firefly,  the most easiest one is all about using  your utility belt . But what makes the fights so intense and dramatic are the amazing Cinematic clips you get at the beginning , Middle and probably at the end .Damn the combat feels good will be your thought when you play against these guys.

Vs DeathStroke

Vs Copperhead

Vs Firefly

3. Stealth ::

That doesn't mean there are no stealth sections in the game . You still are given Stealthy gameplay mechanics which involves the usual taking down of Armed enemies by swooping down from the gargoyle in the corners of the building / Room . I had always wondered what was the purpose of the Gargoyles :P I mean come on , Every building has them . Its not like that it serves an aesthetic environment :P Seriously inside a Police Department :D

4. Quick Travel  ::

The Batwing 

Another new mechanic that have been included in  Origins is the introduction of Batwing . When Rumors first started floating around that you can actually control The Legendary Jet , people went crazy . But later Developer Montreal confirmed that yes , the Batwing will be coming , Yipeeeee !!! , But no you wont be able to fly it manually !! .. Noooooo  :( :(  . You can use it to traverse the huge city of Gotham by Quick Travel . Because imagine how you felt in Arkham City when you have to traverse the entire City just by Grappling and Gliding . It was fun I have to admit but sometimes you will just get irritated to glide from one corner of the map to another . Not to mention the unnecessary fights you will be pulled into when you glide over a building of armed guys . Arrghh !! I hated that . Well thank God ! , these Quick Travel techniques is really cool , not to mention instead of the dreaded Loading Screen as you travel , you get to see an awesome cinematic of Batman Grappling into his Jet and then blazing off into the sky to the destination and Dropping down from the jet as it flows by . Come on , you have to admit it . Its so damn Cool :D huh !!

5. Evidence Scanner :: 

Another new tactic that has been introduced is the Evidence scanner . Now Batman will be able to scan a Evidence and then reconstruct the crime finding out bits and pieces of evidence that would have escaped anyone's notice if not for the possible Trajectory that is shown by the Computer .One of the coolest evidence scan was the one where you will investigate the death of Black Mask and reconstruct it with the most dramatic video ever . And the way Batman Voice over ends the visual had my skin crawling with Goosebumps . I was like WOW ..Super cool :D

You will also get individual side missions where you can investigate crimes that had taken place all over Gotham City.

Gadgets ::

Batman's strength has always been his utility belt . The Famous Tools of Trade includes Batarang  ( Remote + Sonic ) , Cryptographic Sequencer , BatClaw , Explosive Gel, Smoking pellet forming the basic Gadgets that the Bat usually has while the new and advanced ones include ,

1. Remote Claw ::

This is the new addition similar to a Bat Claw which helps in connecting a Chasm with a high tensile wire that Batman can use to traverse the unthinkable . Its also very useful in taking down 2 Armed  enemies . Use the remote claw to get the targets locked and when you do hit fire , The grappler attaches itself to the enemies and pulls them together ;) And also can be used to fire at an enemy and hang him up inverted to a Vantage point . Was very useful in a group full of Armed thugs . Quite a useful gadget but one that was made such a ridicule of initially

2. Glue Grenade ::

This is another new Gadget that can be made use of in Combat . But the main part where it comes in use it to use it as a raft to cross water filler areas. Although we had a similar equipment to travel across water in Arkham City , on the way to meet penguin :D . And seriously wats up with Penguin and the rafts , I don t know . Maybe , since he is named  " The Penguin " they place him in a water filled area :P .

3. Concussion Detonator :

So far this is weakest and most un-used  gadget you will ever come across . I guess they introduced it just for name sake to give some new weapons . All it does when it explodes is to make your enemy go berserk for not even more than 10 sec . Then they are going to start charging at you . No thank you :)

4. Disruptor :: 

Another major device that is very useful , because with out this , your communication to the Super Computer in your Batcave is effectively blocked . So there is no way you can unscramble a electronic Lock without this baby . Also effective against gun toting enemies .

All the gadgets do have a use when the time comes for it . But identifying which is which is were a true Here will  be born ;)

5. Shock Gloves :: 

Another Cool equipment which helps you a lot in combat too . In order to activate it you must charge it first and then once activated its capable of delivering one strike blows to even the most powerful of the enemies. You get it from Electrocutioner who sadly is the weakest of all Assassins . Just when you were expecting a dramatic fight , Baaaam!!  off he goes into twilight zone with  a Single kick :P

Side Missions ::

The best thing about Arkham Origins is that the game not only stops when the Main Missions ends. There are still some case files left undisclosed . Being BATMAN you can't allow that to happen . So after the grand Finale , Batman informs Alfred that he still has got some cleaning up to do in the city before he turns in for the BatCave . And the cheery Alfred gives off a Splendid " We can have excellent late  Dinner for breakfast "  ;)

The Ever Good Alfred

1. Mad Hatter :: 

This guy is the shortest one that you will ever come across and you can finish him off in a single shot . Batman comes to know that a Young girl has been kidnapped .Being the good guy he is , he rushes off to save her and gets lured into the Magic world of Mad hatter . Although the level gameplay style does reminds us of Ra's al Ghul's Mystery world in Arkham City , This sure does it with a panache :D . You will feel like BaT in the WONDERLAND :D . Satisfactory end to the Hatter too atlast .

2. Shiva :: 

Trained by the mysterious Ra's Al Ghul , she follows the code set by her Master that the city of Gotham cannot be saved . It only can be destroyed and then reborn from the ashes. But Batman once again proves her wrong by rescuing the  corrupt police officials she had put in Danger and thereby proving it to her that his morals are much more greater than hers .

3. Deadshot :: 

This guy was available in Arkham City too in a side mission . But since I did not have the patience to go through it then , I left him :D . But not this time around . When Batman reaches a S.O.S signal , he is suddenly highlighted by a Police Copter which is mysteriously taken down by a High power bullet . Using the Evidence Scanner Batman pieces it together to know that such a complex shot needs a experienced person to handle it . And finally finishes off him inside a room with the usual Gargoyle's help ;)

Deadshot's insane angle Shot at the chopper

4. Enigma :: 

Phew ! This guy is the longest . I mean in order to reach out and destroy the network that Enigma has , Batman has to unscramble All the GCR towers in all the seven districts of Bowery , Park Row , Amusement mile , Industrial district , Coventry , Diamond District , Burnley . Only then you will be able to destroy the network relays that Enigma has kept up in places in order to collect info about the citizens of Gotham which he uses to blackmail them into submission . And not to mention the collection of Data Packs which contains the actual blackmail info. Phew collecting all of them is no easy joke . These are hidden all over the city in the most unthinkable places sometimes . But thanks for the information given out by Enigma's Data Handlers you will get them marked in your map .

Not to mention the number of ingenious puzzles you have to crack in order to get the Datapacks which are behind bars or hidden inside . You will make use of all the weapons in your utility belt in order to get to it . :D Like Batarang to hit switches , remote controlled ones to hit switches that are out of reach , glue grenade to stop steam , cryptographic sequencer to unlock closed boxes , .. Like literally all of it :) Hell they even test your gliding capability with one data pack . Hats off . Totally awesome . Apart from one data pack marker which was placed wrongly . Its points to a top of the building but in reality existed below the building inside sewers .

5. Anarchy :: 

Anarchy gets a side mission too , where you have to just reach 3 different locations where bombs have been set up to detonate . After then its BOOM BOOM time for him .

6. Penguin & Black Mask :: 

These guy's side mission does not actually include taking them down . All you have to do is to destroy Black Mask's Gas storage compartment ( Explosive gel) and Weapons stashes of Penguin (Disruptor). when completed all , their case files will be closed.

You do get a mission from Lt. Gordon where he asks for your help to apprehend Black Gate Prisoners who had escaped .

And Developers do have a weird sense of Humor :P

Oh ! the PUN !! 

When I finally did complete all the side missions and Main, god the satisfaction I felt was so immense that I could never describe it in words . And Batman will seem so powerful than ever after hours of playing :) But still the game showed only 52 % Completed :( Maybe they include the Challenges in Batcave too huh . But 25 hrs in this game was more than enough for me :)

Pro's ::

1. You are BATMAN  :)
2. Amazing Graphics that wont strain your GPU that much .
3. Excellent Combat movements that feels more refrained and makes you feel so powerful.
4. Insane Boss fights with amazing cutscenes . Batman has never felt so powerful.
5. Dramatic Cutscens that  feel awesome to look .
6. Quick Travel, Like a Boss , in the BATWING.

Con's :: 

1. Game feels way more similar to Arkham City with a little tweaks here and there .
2. Sometimes When you glide across The buildings Snipers can pull you into Combat which you were not looking out for . Unless you are really good against gun toting enemies , better watch out where you fly .
3. Insane amount of Bugs and Glitches . Especially the One where Batman Wont climb into the Vent in Burnley District's GCR tower ( Enigma Side mission )  . Thank God WB heard the cries from Gamers and released a patch that fixed this major bug . ( PATCH 2 - install it and you are good ) And another one where Batman gets stuck in the side walls due to wrong grappling . God it was irritating.

Overall :: Reviewers from big gaming sites complained that there was nothing new in the game . Well obviously ,  previous game was so good that they left little room for improvement . And WB Montreal fixed them and made a beautiful game out of it . For that I am giving this game a

Rating :: [ 9.2 - 0.2 ( bugs ) ] =  9 / 10 ( Very good )

A must play for Every gamer out there . 


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