Friday, July 12, 2013

Remember Me

When I first heard of this game I was skeptical, as to whether this would be unique experience or just some another poor rip-off of  POP series platformer movements .The video of the game play which was released a few days before the game Release convinced me that its just another ordinary game . When the game finally got released , IGN and GameSpot gave a average score tagging the game as an ordinary , repetitive and forgettable experience. So I was in no hurry to get the game started . But finally as I wrapped all the games that were in my queue and this one was one among the less interested games  in my hard disk  , I thought of giving it a try . I thought maybe I can play 2 levels and if it didn't impress me by then , I will stop and delete it . But Whoa!! the game took me by surprise !! Wanna know how  , Lets plunge in

Neo Paris 

Plot :: 

The setting is in the future , year 2084 in  Paris - Titled as Neo-Paris . A new organization called Memorize had taken over people's memories by providing them with a Sensen device with the help of which you will be able to remove the unwanted memories from your life and store them in a central Server H3O . A  group of people who rebel against this kind of invasion of Humankind's privacy start a Rebel movement calling them as Errorists. Nilin is one among them . Atleast tats what the Mysterious voice in her ear , Called Edge , tells her . Its Nilin's job to stop what the Memorize is doing and thereby free the world from the apocalypse its in .
Moral :: Life is not about happy memories alone . One should have the sad ones too to actually experience Life .

Gameplay :: 

Like all 3rd person gameplay with platformer movements Remember Me also has the same basic Combo attacks , Dodge , and unique special set of skills that have been modified according to the game's ideology . But where does Remember Me stand apart , Its in the basic Combos . Unlike other games where your health automatically regenerates , This game depends upon your Combo skill to actually heal you . I don t know exactly how it works , but it does ;). So if you are in the middle of a fight and you are seriously low in heath , all you have to do is to hit some basic combos at your enemies to gain health . This is made interesting by the Sensen Menu where you do have a Combo Lab which can be utilized to rearrange your combos to the best possible effect which you prefer . Extraordinary thinking and which also makes the otherwise dull Button mashing Fights a little tricky and interesting :D hats off for the idea .

Overload Kill
Another Unique feature of the game is the memory remix Sequence you come across . This is the highlight of the game overall . Being the Legendary Memory Hunter you have the capability to remix other's memory and thereby make them do things that actually benefits you and your goals . Amazing thing to visualize and experience. You have a key to rewind and forward and also some glitches which can be tampered by you and thereby ending up with a different ending to the otherwise existing memory . The person will be having one memory and once you alter it according to your needs , he will think tats what happened really and will help you . Quite amazing . Although it takes some real talent and Some trial And Error to actually work out your objective . Bcos doing changes with all the glitches will never work to your favor . And each glitch will work in its own unique way and thereby giving you a different memory . You will understand it better if you play it . but seriously  this is a damn good one . But unfortunately there are only three times that you actually encounter them in the whole playthrough.

Memory Remix Sequence 1 

Glitches highlighted 

Remembrance is another yet unique feature in the game that you make use of . Since you are a memory hunter you  have the ability to steal other person's memory and relive them . By reliving them it helps you to cross over some difficult spots like Dodging from a mechanical Security Drones that sweeps the corridors or to open doors in some tough areas . Again , Excellent use of the Memory Concept by the Developers .

Relive Memories

Combat Moves :: 


Like I said your basic combos plays a major role in this game . Because if you don t execute combos correctly you will keep on hitting the guy and the enemy wont even take a dent . And its not just simple button Mashing of X and Y . The perfect way to start a combo is to press the button just as the first hit lands . Don't worry , You will get hints at the bottom that will help you guide through the completion of a basic 3 hit , 4 hit ,6 hit and 8 hit combos . And the pressens which are nothing but combo buttons that you unlock . You have the Power ( attack ) , Re-gen ( health boost ) , Cool down ( favorable after getting unique special kills that needs a particular time until you can make use of it .) and chain ( multiply the effect of a Pressens by replicating the previous chain combos) Pressens .

Combo = Basic + Power + Power + Cool down + Re-gen 

 So based upon the pressens you keep in the different combos you have , your attacks may vary . Although its initially scary looking and confusing , once you get the hang of it , you will be praising the ingenuity of the game Developers .

Special Skills :: 

You have 5 kinds of Special and Unique skills .

1. Sensen Fury ::

This is the first one you come across which kinda of throws Nilin into a insane Rage that her Attacks actually become unstoppable and heavy . Quite effective and a must against Bosses when their vulnerability is exposed for a few seconds.

2. Sensen DOS :: 

Its like a stun attack where Nilin smashes her hand on the floor and makes the enemies go blind and confused . Quite Effective against enemies with Shields and Boss Fights .

3. Logic Bomb :: 

This is another cool Power where Nilin can press a Bomb on her nearest enemy and then dodge away so that it can take down her other enemies.

4. Rust in Pieces :: 

Can be use only when Robots are available . When used will make the Robots go crazy like a Electromagnet pulling all the enemies towards it and blowing them up .

5. Sensen Camo :: 

As the name Suggests Nilin can go invisible for a few seconds during the time of which you can go behind a enemy undetected and overload him ( Quick kill )

You also get to use a other cool weapons that help you in the platformer movements as well as in the fights like

1. Spammer :: 

Shoots bolts of info at enemies thereby stunning them . Quite effective against Robots and Environmental Puzzles

2. Junk Bolt : 

An upgrade of Spammer that provides you with a grenade Launcher like shot for Max overload .

3. Pick Socket :: 

Helpful in opening doors and provides a unique challenge in some Environmental puzzles .

4. Force Spammer :: 

Very useful in moving heavy objects and other environmental things that obstruct our way around the world .

Boss Fights :: 

Against Madame
Boss fights are not that hard and again one has to make use of all skills of Nilin in order to bring them down . And also its not easy and short as in the recent DMC :P . This extends into a all out fight where you get to cross levels where you have to destroy the boss again and again and yet again . Not just by using the X and Y . But by using the above mentioned  unique set of skills . Literally so cool . If you find it difficult to crack the technique that is used to take down a boss , don t worry the game itself takes pity on you as it sees you struggling and gives you a hint :P as to how to get it done.

Against H3O

You do have challenging puzzle Segments which you have to solve by hearing to Word Riddles . Its complex at first . The Trick is Listen Careful. Once you do that ,  you will find it silly enough that you will crack through it easily .

Environmental Puzzle 

Pro's :: 

1. Amazing Story that has gives a unique feel even though its the same PROTAGONIST has to save the World theme :P
2. Superb Music that just blows your mind when the action takes place . I just cant place them  , but its amazing to hear . Some fast beat Ultra modern Techno .
3. Amazing Graphics that shows you the beauty of Future Paris . Not stressful on your GPU too .
4. Combos that are actually necessary to be executed if you want to survive in this game .
5 . Memory Re mix sequences are amazing , making you feel like a detective and analyst trying to achieve your goal by trial and error ---> INCEPTION ;)

Con's :: 

1. Thank God , its not open World . But still many Gamers Complained about it. So :)

Overall :: Not a must play 3rd person Platformer but hey , just give it a try . Maybe it will take you by  surprise as it took me :)

Rating :: 8.7 / 10 ( Good )


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