Wednesday, February 27, 2013

AC 3 DLC Tyranny of Washington - Episode 1: The Infamy

For the Review of the Original Game , Please Click HERE .

Players who had been missing AC 3 has a chance to once again don the hood and roam the streets of old NY and Boston as the Assassin of Ancient times . The first episode of the Tyranny of Washington DLC  " The Infamy "is out , so lets have a look at it ,

Story  ::

The game takes place in alternate history wherein George Washington has seized power and become 'King of America', following the events of the American Revolution . Connor / Ratonhnhaké:ton wakes up from his dream to find that the Washington has become corrupted with power from the apple which had made him evil . He opens his eyes to find his mother who immediately asks him to rush off with her as the village is under crucial Danger . Connor who is confused about this new set of events which seems to occur after he had killed Charles Lee , asks his mother to explain .But she replies in the negative saying that there is no time for it and in time he will understand . As you go with her she reveals in a mystic sort of way that she was the reason that Washington had started attacking the village of Connor and his tribe .

A confused Connor follows her and finally meets up with Washington himself who has a scepter with the Apple on it . Not knowing how it came into his hands , while on the other Washington asks Connor's mom to surrender but she refuses and thus follows the epic battle of Connor to redeem Washington from his evil state and to obtain freedom for his people once again.

Gameplay ::

The game takes us back to the age when Ratonhnhaké:ton roamed the frontier in his Tribal clothes ( i.e )  before he dons the Assassin's suit . So initially you don t have your hidden blade and other cool weapons which you had while paying the main game .But later as you progress you will get the hidden blade from your mom and some other cool and wicked powers that forms the highlight of this DLC .

Graphics had been upgraded a little and you will feel it in the way the GPU stutters in one or two huge expanse shots in the mission pan camera .But still the game appears smooth with Connor jumping above wall and diving with his free parkour style movements .

Another new perk of this DLC is the addition of Gaurd Dogs . Main reason they were introduced was to counter your new power ' The Invisibility' . Because these guys can smell you from far afar even when you are cloaked or hidden in bushes or atop a tree from enemy's line of sight . This may work against human enemies . But the Dog's keen sense of smell can track you like

Power of Wolf ::

This is the best part of the DLC . As per instructions from your Clan mother you get upon the Red Willow and drink the Willow Tea which is supposed to give one magical powers that make him invincible .

The one we are discussing about allows Connor to become invisible . Only for sometime too .Bcos as per the story the Tea inspite of providing Power has the effect of killing you . ( Remember Mark of the Ninja ;- )) . So when ever you use the cloak make sure you keep an eye on your health bar as it will slowly start to decrease and you need to stop using the cloak once your health is very low and the screen is flashing a bright Red .

But never mind your health will immediately regenerate and you can hide in the bushes in the mean time and rest . Its exactly like CLOAK in Crysis , and along with new powers that will be coming with the upcoming New episodes , like ' Super Strength ' and ' Super Speed ' ,I think we can easily compare the Tea to  a Nano suit :D ..too bad they didn't know of it in Crytek :D

You also have an option where you can now call upon t eh spirits of Wolf to help you in times of need exactly like how the Assassin's guild works in the Main game . You are the Alpha of the gang so the Wolves respond to your command .

But still the game has its perks in the missions they provide where the use of the power is necessary at some places .

The first episode ends with Connor being captured and led of by General Putnam in a Cart Prison . It seems we have to wait for the second Episode "The Betrayal" , which will be released on March 19 for Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3 to know what happens next  ....

Quite the suspense they have provided with a cliff hanger closure .

Pro's : 

1. Increased playtime with  your favorite game of all time .
2. Cool Stealth power that makes you invisible for a some amount of time . Quite Lethal if used correctly against enemies.
3. New Collectibles and treasures all over the Frontier Again .

Con's :: 

1. Some guys have reported that the DLC pack is corrupting their old saved games and as a result many players are finding it questionable to download the game or not  .

So a sound advice before you install the DLC is to back up your saved files of your previous main story game and also make sure to copy your orbit Folder and the Orbit.dll file as these contain the reference which helps the game to actually look up your saved games in your PC.

2. Episode 1 is too short :(
3. Graphics is a little demanding so lower End cards may struggle with it .

Overall :: A must play for AC 3 fans for sure

Rating : 8.5 / 10


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